If you have any questions, thoughts, or you’re just looking to connect, I’d love to hear from you! Your messages are a highlight of my day, and I’m here to help in any way I can. Whether it’s feedback on my work, inquiries about my stories, or you’re interested in collaboration, feel free to reach out. Just fill out the form below, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Let’s start a conversation!
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Author Profile
![Joy Ross Davis](https://joyrossdavis.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Joy-Ross-Davis-2-150x150.jpg)
Joy Ross Davis is more than an eloquent story teller! A college professor, mother, daughter of Irish descent whose family settled in the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee.
Joy loves all things Irish, including the Green Isle itself. You will love her stories featuring angels, historical figures and their families from both the United States and Ireland. Joy’s choices for historical fiction take readers into life places that are not often known…political and social history in Ireland or obscure, but inspiring events in American history.
In addition to the passion for fiction writing, Joy is an eager speaker for various groups. Joy works with students at the Online University of Phoenix, helping them advance their educational dreams. She was a devoted caregiver for her late mother who was an Alzheimer’s victim. That experience was the catalyst for setting Joy’s pen to writing.
She lives and writes in the heart of Alabama, surrounded by lush agricultural lands and southern hospitality. She is available for speaking engagements and interviews. Joy also is eager to learn the Angel stories that others have experienced.
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